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The green plantain is a product well known by Ecuadorians and is part of most of the main dishes on the coast, lately we also see it on the tables of those of us who live in the mountains; however, once we have tried it, we look for a way to have it on our table.


We see it grow easily on our Ecuadorian coast and its preparation, although somewhat laborious, is a daily part of the morning routine of many Ecuadorian families. Being a product that we find in such abundance in our land, its price is very affordable and by combining it with cheese, pork rinds, chicken, meat, sausages, etc., it makes it an extremely versatile product in its preparation.

"Zé Verde" is the solution to your lack of time to cook and eat these delicious dishes daily whose main ingredient is the green banana. We save you from peeling, cooking, mashing or grinding the green, spoiling your hands and your kitchen! Simply defrost, fry or bake and in a few minutes you will have an exquisite and nutritious dish that will fill you with energy all day!


In addition to being delicious, it is an excellent source of energy and great food since it is a carbohydrate that allows you to feel full when consuming it; Despite this, many of us are completely unaware of all the benefits that we obtain for our body by consuming it regularly, that is why we share some of them with you:




As we have just mentioned, green helps improve the intestinal flora and in case you did not know, our intestine works like a second brain, since it is here where the greatest amount of serotonin is produced, more than in the brain, a substance that is responsible for feeling well-being in general.  If we maintain a balance in our intestine, we promote an optimal environment for the growth of beneficial bacteria for our intestinal wall and if we add to this the fact that green contains high amounts of vitamin B6 and tryptophan, we are guaranteeing that our serotonin levels rise, thus combating the much-feared depression.


Because green bananas contain starch, this allows a reduction in fat absorption, thus eliminating "bad" LDL cholesterol and increasing "good" HDL cholesterol.

NOTE: It is very important to maintain a balanced diet with proteins, healthy fats, vegetables and optimal hydration, and the way in which the green is cooked will also depend a lot. These benefits correspond to a non-aggressive cooking such as frying, if it is done in this way it should be consumed in moderation, we recommend baking it or preparing it in the air fryer.



One of the benefits of green banana is the prevention of diabetes. Consuming green bananas regularly can help control blood sugar levels, due to its high fiber content, which prevents sugar from rising after a meal, making it remain constant in the blood, thus preventing diabetes. and even helping to regulate sugar in the case of people suffering from this condition.


The green banana regulates the functioning of the intestine since the starch present works as fibers, which facilitates the elimination of feces, thus avoiding constipation. This in the case of the raw green banana. If we eat cooked green banana, we help to strengthen the beneficial intestinal flora of the intestine, balancing the intestinal flora. Additionally, when this fiber is fermented in our intestine, butyrate is produced, which is a compound that could prevent colon cancer.

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